Thursday, February 03, 2011

Secret Abodes

I find that I take exceptional joy, childlike jovility even, in the idea of secret lairs. From tree-houses to secret rooms and cubbies, quiet office spaces to walk in closets, I find myself drawn to private and secret abodes and lairs. I have come across some interesting spaces in my lifetime and created a few of my own in my day, but I am especially curious about where other people hide to avoid humanity. We are such social creatures by birth and yet take such pleasure in avoiding one another that I've made it the subject of today's post. (Typed appropriately on my iPhone while hiding out in Klaeren's office; listening to my iPod, while sitting on a yoga mat, avoiding humanity, and restoring a bit of my own in the process.)

I've decided to share a few of my favorite hideouts with you:

1. The secret winged 'closets' of my Memere & Pepere's Cape House: these were matching and fully furnished crawl spaces in the house on Cape Cod in which my Grandmother added rugs, children-sized chairs and toys and books to-fulfilling our need to hide at an early age.

2. My childhood tree house: yes, my dad attempted to take this down every year and threats of grounding would ensue after he would find replacement 2x4 bridges from tree to tree, but to no avail. Hidden away above the bridge was a simple board seat where I could spy on the neighborhood.

3. When I became older my hideout became more public and I would willingly relocate to the cafe of our local Borders. (See photo below).

4. The High Huts of The Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC):  Since 1995, I've loved hiding out from humanity in the great woods of New Hampshire's White Mountains. There's nothing quite like being 3-5 miles in from roads, up at 4-5,000 feet and seeing the galaxy above shine down with little to no light interference at night. (Photo above right: Greenleaf Hut and the Lafayette Ridge behind it.)

4. The Attic Loft at Russell's house: Tom and I spent our second summer in Florida together in the fully air-conditioned and furnished loft above Russell's garage. An awesome place to live but not to watch Saw II.

5. Then I enjoyed this tiny Victorian Cottage renovation a few years back- this would be the perfect retreat. The owner carried all of her reno supplies over a stream and only spent $1500.00 on products from Target to do this! (See photo right.)

6. Dreams of my treehouse: I have big plans for this. See ideas in the photos I've collected.
So where do you hide to "get away from it all?" Share your thoughts/pictures below!