Monday, July 09, 2012

Surviving an Apocalypse: Real Estate.

Yahoo had an awesome article today which featured the latest in Zombie-proof Real Estate which was ACTUALLY FOR SALE in America. Highly amusing.

One such house in Florida had its own moat for about $10M:

While yet another had an underground Nuclear Bunker for only $800k:

Although, if it weren't for hurricanes (and money), I'd probably buy this Floridian Island near Marathon  for $12M:

And finally, and perhaps the most ridiculous safe, is the "Jamesburg Earth Station" in California, complete with original satellite, working generators, a helipad and a gym. 

Which one would you pick? See the rest at the article, here,

OR: You can check out my "How to Survive a Supervolcano" Eruption Guide and even my original 

Apocalypse Article: "How to Survive an Ice Age."