Carpe Diem.I'm typing this from the fifth floor of the Pink Shell Resort on Fort Myers Beach, thinking about how lovely the past few days have been here on the beach with my mom, my cousin Jessie, and my Aunt Mary, Aunt Sue and Aunt Kathy. It's becoming a yearly tradition during March for the sisters to come down to Florida to enjoy the spring weather and the sun, but it's bittersweet because we all remember being here with my Memere, who we've since lost, and my grandfather. My Memere and Pepere vacationed here at this resort for years. Leavi nf behind them a staff who still remembers how kind they were-an inspiration for their kids and grandkids...
It's a much needed break and recharge after an intense week of grading and report cards. However, I am much overdue for a blog post. So today's simple message is: Carpe Diem. Seize the day. Stop and smell the roses. Have a moment. Breathe the air like it will run out. Watch the stars until they get fuzzy. Lose yourself in view of water.
On that note: time to follow my own advice.