My name is Aimée and I’m a middle school Language Arts teacher in Land O’Lakes, Florida. I’m
writing to ask you a major favor. I am hoping to collect stories from around
the country and the world. Small moments of hope and inspiration, moments that
I can plug into my class Google Map to track where we are receiving responses
If you wouldn’t mind, could you please write a short story of one of the defining moments in your life where you partook or witnessed a moment or act of hope or inspiration? My class and I would be very grateful. To protect your privacy, I would only ask to use your first name and location. Pictures are appreciated either of you, or of this moment you are sharing.
Thank you so much for contributing to my class project. I hope to see it grow and flourish with stories of hope and inspiration that we can share together in these uncertain times.
Please e-mail all stories and pictures to my